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Peace be with you!
I warmly welcome you to the newly redesigned Website of Perpetual Succour Hospital, Cebu, Incorporated, Gorordo Avenue, Cebu City. It is a not-for-profit, non-stock, private, Catholic, training and education hospital, owned and managed by the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres (SPC).
Message from the CEO

We are proud to showcase our holistic transformation, maturing into our maximum potential, of reaching the goal of claiming our niche, as a hospital trailblazing the winds of change through Spirituality of Compassion, Shepherding Leadership, Innovative Excellence and Superior Expertise, dynamically working with our Core Strategy of utilizing evidence based practices, and ensuring leading edge and dominant market presence.
Thank you everyone, enjoy surfing the web and God bless!
Sr. Zeta Caridad Rivero, SPC
Chief Executive Officer
Perpetual Succour Hospital of Cebu, Inc.