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The difference of being PSH

Spirituality of Compassion, Shepherding Leadership, Innovative Excellence, Superior  Expertise

Perpetual Succour Hospital is not just an ordinary hospital

It is clearly a Catholic hospital owned and managed by the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres.

It is a Ministry and Mission in itself.

With the PSH Ministry and Mission would be the explicit promotion of values and ideals consistent with the Pauline Spirituality. 


We create and implement programs that will help PSH personnel and staff to enflesh the words of St. Paul, “Caritas Christi Urget Nos” or “The Charity of Christ Impels us” thus, give meaning and direction to the Life and Mission of the SPC in Perpetual Succour Hospital, crystallized by our compassionate caring in the delivery of health care services, especially to the underserved.

 School of Paulinian Spirituality in the Workplace

Spirituality should not be confined to an individual but it should be institutionalized.  


This was one of the key points stressed by our Speaker Fr. Ramon Ma. Luza Bautista, SJ, who asserted that Perpetual Succour Hospital embraces a specific Spirituality to guide, give meaning and purpose to its identity and Vision – Mission. PSH should be identified and known for its Ministry of Healing.  This is the reason why PSH exists.  

The institutionalization of the Paulinian Spirituality is an ongoing process.  The following activities were carried out:

The Launching of the School of Spirituality in the Workplace on Dec. 9, 2015, at the Pere Chauvet Hall, Perpetual Succour Hospital, with the Guru on Spirituality, Fr. Ramon Bautista SJ. It was participated by more than 80 participants who were chosen, Lay and Sisters, who showed interest in pursuing and deepening their Spirituality.

From among them, a Core Group was organized and was given orientation and conference by Fr. Ramon Bautista, SJ. The Core Group held several sessions among themselves studying the Life of St Paul.

Study and familiarization of the Life of St Paul was done and facilitated by the Core group members last Feb 2016, to all the staff and employees

Fr. Mon continued the modules on Paulinian Spirituality on March 29-30, 2017.  He stated  there are significant facets involved in learning and embedding the School of Pauline Spirituality in the Workplace:

  - Life of St. Paul

  - Themes in the Writings of St Paul

  - Language of St Paul

Sr. Zeta Rivero SPC, CEO of PSH shared to the core group the route map of the Process in Deepening of Paulinian Spirituality in the Workplace.

She emphasized that all employees during the monthly faith sharing by groups, should continue to espouse and imbibe  the Pauline Spirituality, through the study  of the Life and Teachings of St. Paul, the Apostle. A  Core group was organized to give the feedback to all the employees, hospital wide, of the conferences of Fr. Ramon Bautista, SJ.  He provided the points of reflection for the monthly sharing. Also, every month, a virtue of St Paul is posted in all strategic places that would inspire and encourage all stakeholders to emulate and exemplify. Fr. Mon Bautista, SJ, stressed that in order to deepen the Pauline Spirituality there is a need to:

        1.  Study

        2. Speak

        3. Pray

        4. Live out the Pauline Spirituality

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School of Global Healthcare Leadership

Perpetual Succour Hospital, in collaboration with Saint Paul University Philippines, introduces its Graduate School of Global Healthcare Leadership.  It is an off-site campus, hospital-based course of the internationally accredited and fully autonomous SPC University. This trailblazing Global Post Graduate non-thesis course is created in response to Global Leadership 2030, a method of research established by German social scientist-Vielmeter, which requires contextual thinking, learning and development for leadership success. the course utilizes typology of leadership which guides horizontal learning movements from leading oneself, to leading others and finally leading the organization. 

The following are modules that had been taken up:

  • The first  Module on the “7 Disciplines of Creative Leaders in their Journeys to Significance”, was on Sept. 9-10, 2016 by           Dr. Mila Mendoza, PhD.

  • The second on “Teamwork Across Generations and Leadership for Change”, was on Nov. 3-5, 2016 by Dr. Mila Mendoza, PhD.

  • The third module on National and Global Health Issues, was held on  January 19 & 20, 2017 by AIM professor                            DR. FEDERICO MACARANAS.

  • The fourth module, Philosophical Bases of Global Healthcare Leadership by Prof. ANABELLE R. BORROMEO, PhD, RN, CNS  on March 18 - 19, 2017.   

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Virtue of the Month:  


2 Corinthians 7:9

"I now REJOICE, not because you were made sorrowful, but because you were made sorrowful to the point of repentance"

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